Ravek Hunter Logo

Fantasy Author & Professional DM


Meet Ravek Hunter

About Ravek

Born in Florida, Ravek Hunter grew up in the US and Belgium. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Florida International University and went on to become a sporting goods executive. He currently serves as a consultant in the same industry and occasionally assists his wife of twenty years at her floral design company. The proud father of two boys, Ravek counts reading, exercising, and family travel among his leisure hobbies.

Over the past four decades, Ravek’s passion has been researching ancient civilizations with a focus on the origin stories behind their mythology. His writing style attempts to immerse the reader into the story by bringing to life historically accurate and rich details of the culture that frames the narrative of the time period in which his novels are based.

Inspired by classic fantasy authors like Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, and R. A. Salvatore, Ravek writes to entertain and provoke his readers, who, he hopes, share his fondness for mythology.

Ravek began writing historical fantasy soon after retiring from the sporting goods industry, publishing his first novel in 2018. Yet, his passion for the fantasy genre began in the early 80’s when he joined his first session of Dungeons and Dragons. He soon discovered a passion for D&D and the freedom it offered the imagination. This game, and the many early fantasy authors he followed, were the catalyst that eventually led to a writing career that would spawn several published novels as well as a number of D&D adventure modules.

Today, the world-setting of his novels come to life through Legends on Paper - a D&D5e stream for passionate gamers and lovers of fantasy where Ravek can showcase the depth of his creation. To this end, he seeks to not only entertain, but draw inspiration from viewers to fuel future on-screen adventures and novels alike!

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Ravek Hunter

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